Misión de Amor Perú


Leaving our comfort zone to go to an unknown place with unusual circumstances to our daily lives, requires courage; passion; faith, values that can be common in people of any age, with different trades, or with different characteristics and abilities, but who have the same love for God and neighbor.

We do not pretend to be super spiritual or super gifted, we are common and like you we want to make a difference in a world with his back to God. We have a responsibility that is to carry his message, showing solidarity and respect for the outcast; being tolerant with cultural differences we find.

Determination is needed to accept the challenge of service such as this, which always culminates in a blessing for the people of the Andean zone and for us, because we simply recognized our insufficiency and surrendered to rest in the one who called us to this work.

Statement of faith

We bealive The Scriptures in its original text is completely inspired by the Holy Spirit, without error and It our final authority. (2Tim3:16)

We bealive there is only one GOD existing from eternity in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, executing different but harmonious offices in the works of creation, providence and redemption. (Mark12:29) (Hebrews 1:1-3).

We bealive in the deity of Jesus Christ, his virgin birth, death, bodily resurrection, his present exaltation at the Father rigth hand, and His second coming. (Ephesians 1: 22-23)

We believe in the person of the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit, convincing the world of sin, righteousness and judgment, we bealive he regenerates, baptizes, seals, and dwells in all true believers. (John 14: 16-17) (John 16: 7-15).

We believe in the reconciliation of man with God through faith in the substitute death and resurrection of Jesus Christ our Savior. (Acts 13:39) (Romans 5: 1).

We believe that the Church is the body of Christ, conformed by every true believer. And its work is the worship of God; the collaboration for the perfecting of the saints and the evangelization of the world. (Matthew 16: 16-18) (Acts 2: 42-47) (1 Corinthians 12:13)..

We believe in the great commission of Christ to the Church to go throughout the world preaching the Gospel to every creature, teaching and baptizing those who believe. (Matthew 28: 18-19). Besides we believe in integral Missions, that is to help the harmonious growth that every person must achieve to have a full life (Luke 2:52).

Contact Us

+51 982 130 252
